The Thesprotia Expedition
THE THESPROTIA EXPEDITIONA Regional, Interdisciplinary Survey Projectin Northwestern GreecePublications and unpublished theses concerning the project Final publication series
Shorter articles and reports B. Forsén and J. Forsén, "Surface Contra Subsurface Assemblages: Two Archaeological Case Studies from Thesprotia, Greece", in S. Kluiving and E. Guttmann (eds.), Landscape Archaeology between Art and Science: From a Multi- to an Interdisciplinary Approach, Amsterdam 2012, 293 - 303. B. Forsén, "Seitsemäs vuosi Thesprotian puolesta", Fossa 2011/1, 12 - 20. T. Turmo, "Sevaston hellenistinen rakennus. Kaivauksia pintainventoinnin vanavedessä", Fossa 2010/2, 5 - 11. B. Forsén, "Thesprotian pronssikautta ja varhaisroomalaisia vaiheita selvittämässä", Fossa 2010/1, 11 - 18. B. Forsén, "Thesprotia Expedition", Archaeological Reports 55, 2008-2009, 55 - 56. J. Graven, I. de Kort and M. Gkouma, Paleolandscape History in North-Western Greece: A Multi-Proxy Analysis of Lake Sediments (IGBA Rapport 2009-05), Amsterdam 2009. B. Forsén, "Vallée de Paramythia", Bulletin de Correspondence Hellénique 128 - 129, 2004-2005 (2008), 1382. B. Forsén, "Thesprotia Expedition", Archaeological Reports 54, 2007-2008, 62. B. Forsén, "Lisää tuloksia Thesprotiasta", Fossa 2008/2, 11 - 15. B. Forsén, "Thesprotia Expedition", Archaeological Reports 53, 2006-2007, 47 - 48. M. Suha, "Agios Donatoksen muurit", Fossa 2007/3, 14 - 19. B. Forsén, "Pintaa syvemmälle – Thesprotian tutkimusprojektin jatkoa", Fossa 2007/2, 13 - 19. B. Forsén & E. Tikkala, "Pyhimys kukkulalla – Pyhän Donatoksen kukkulan salaisuutta selvittämässä Thesprotiassa", in V.-P. Herva & J. Ikäheimo (eds.), Klassinen tapaus. Dos. Eero Jarva 60 vuotta, Oulu 2006, 91 - 105. J. Ikäheimo, "Pyhän Donatoksen jalkapohjat", in V.-P. Herva & J. Ikäheimo (eds.), Klassinen tapaus. Dos. Eero Jarva 60 vuotta, Oulu 2006, 107 - 117. B. Forsén, "Demos Paramythia, the Thesprotia Expedition", Archaeological Reports 52, 2005-2006, 83 - 84. B. Forsén, "At the Crossroads between West and East", Universitas Helsingiensis 2006/4, 23-25. B. Forsén, "Paleoliittisista metsästäjistä Rooman keisareihin", Fossa 2006/1, 13 - 19. B. Forsén, "Pintainventointia Luoteis-Kreikassa", Fossa 2005/1, 4 - 10. B. Forsén, "Thesprotian tutkimushanke Luoteis-Kreikassa", in L. Pietilä-Castrén (ed.), Akropoliin juurella. Suomen Ateenan-instituutti 1984–2004, Helsinki 2004, 109 - 111. Doctoral Dissertations Stefanos Ligkovanlis, Ανθρώπινη δραστηριότητα και τεχνολογική συμπεριφορά κατά τη Μέση και την Ανώτερη Παλαιολιθική εποχή στη βορειοδυτική Ελλάδα: οι μαρτυρίες των λιθοτεχνιών λαξευμένου λίθου από το Μ. Καρβουνάρι, τη Μολόνδρα και το Ελευθεροχώρι 7, University of Crete 2013. Master theses R.A. Lelivelt, Lithological Analysis of Holocene Lake Sediments in the Kalodiki Fen, Thesprotia, Western Greece. Issues and Possibilities of Mediterranean Wetland Data in Landscape Archaeology, VU University Amsterdam 2011. J. Graven, Infernal Acherousia. Reconstructing Lake Acherousia, North-Western Greece; Landscape Archaeological Research Combining Historical Data, Archaeology, Geology, GIS and Ancient through Modern Literature, Free University of Amsterdam 2009. T. Turmo, The Sevasto House. A Hellenistic Farmstead in the Kokytos Valley, Northwestern Greece, University of Helsinki 2009. C. Papoulia, The Lithic Evidence for Middle Palaeolithic Occupation and Technology in the Kokytos River Basin, (Thesprotia) Epirus, Northwestern Greece, University of Southampton 2008. M. Suha, The Walls of Agios Donatos Zervochoriou. A Case Study of a Fortress in Thesprotia, Northwestern Greece, University of Helsinki 2007. Selection of other publications relevant to the project